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C++有趣程序(11) - Ericnth的小站


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#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>

using namespace std;

const int N = 15;       //15*15的棋盘
const char ChessBoard = ' ';  //棋盘标志
const char flag1 = 'o';    //玩家1或电脑标志
const char flag2 = 'x';    //玩家2标志

typedef struct Position{    //坐标
    int row;        //行
    int col;        //列

class GoBang{     //五子棋类
        InitChessBoard();      //初始化棋盘
    void Play(){      //下棋
        Position Play1;   //玩家1或电脑
        Position Play2;   //玩家2
        while (1){
            int mode = ChoiceMode();
            while (1){
                if (mode == 1){       //电脑VS玩家
                    ComputerChess(Play1, flag1);            //电脑走
                    if (GetVictory(Play1, 0, flag1)){       //0代表电脑,为真则表示电脑获胜
                    PlayChess(Play2, 2, flag2);         //玩家2走
                    if (GetVictory(Play2, 2, flag2)){       //2代表玩家2
                else{               //玩家1VS玩家2
                    PlayChess(Play1, 1, flag1);         //玩家1走
                    if (GetVictory(Play1, 1, flag1)){       //玩家1赢
                    PlayChess(Play2, 2, flag2);         //玩家2走
                    if (GetVictory(Play2, 2, flag2)){       //玩家2赢
            cout << "======再来一局=======" << endl;
            cout << "yes or no :";  
            char s[] = "yes";
            cin >> s;
            if (strcmp(s, "no") == 0){

    void InitChessBoard(){          //初始化棋盘
        for (int i = 0; i < N + 1; ++i){
            for (int j = 0; j < N + 1; ++j){
                _ChessBoard[i][j] = ChessBoard;

    int ChoiceMode(){           //选择模式
        InitChessBoard();       //重新初始化棋盘
        cout << "0、退出" << endl;
        cout << "1、电脑VS玩家" << endl;
        cout << "2、玩家VS玩家" << endl;
        cout << "*************************************************" << endl;
        while (1){
            int i = 0;
            cout << "请选择模式:";
            cin >> i;
            if (i == 0){       //退出
            if (i == 1 || i == 2){
                return i;
                cout << "非法输入,请重新输入!" << endl;

    void PrintChessBoard(){        //打印棋盘
        printf("     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10  11  12  13  14  15\n");
        printf("   |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n");
        for (int i = 1; i < N + 1; ++i)
            printf("%2d ", i);
            printf("| %c | %c | %c | %c | %c | %c | %c | %c | %c | %c | %c | %c | %c | %c | %c |\n", _ChessBoard[i][1], _ChessBoard[i][2], _ChessBoard[i][3], _ChessBoard[i][4], _ChessBoard[i][5], _ChessBoard[i][6], _ChessBoard[i][7], _ChessBoard[i][8], _ChessBoard[i][9], _ChessBoard[i][10], _ChessBoard[i][11], _ChessBoard[i][12], _ChessBoard[i][13], _ChessBoard[i][14], _ChessBoard[i][15]);
            printf("   |---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|---|\n");
        cout << endl;

    void ComputerChess(Position& pos, char flag){     //电脑走
        //PrintChessBoard();      //打印棋盘
        int x = 0;
        int y = 0;
        while (1){                    //循环查找空位置
            x = (rand() % N) + 1;      //产生从1~N的随机数
            srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
            y = (rand() % N) + 1;      //产生从1~N的随机数
            srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
            if (_ChessBoard[x][y] == ChessBoard){       //如果这个位置为空(没有棋子),跳出循环,下棋
        pos.row = x;
        pos.col = y;
        _ChessBoard[pos.row][pos.col] = flag;

    void PlayChess(Position& pos, int player, char flag){
        PrintChessBoard();      //打印棋盘
        while (1){
            printf("请玩家%d输入坐标:", player);
            cin >> pos.row >> pos.col;
            if (JudgeValue(pos) == 1){        //判断坐标是否合法
            cout << "坐标不合法,请重新输入:" << endl;
        _ChessBoard[pos.row][pos.col] = flag;

    int JudgeValue(const Position& pos){       //判断坐标的合法性
        if (pos.row > 0 && pos.row <= N && pos.col > 0 && pos.col <= N){
            if (_ChessBoard[pos.row][pos.col] == ChessBoard){
                return 1;      //合法
        return 0;       //非法

    int JudgeVictory(Position pos, char flag){     //判断是否有玩家获胜(底层判断)
        int begin = 0;
        int end = 0;

        (pos.col - 4) > 0 ? begin = (pos.col - 4) : begin = 1;
        (pos.col + 4) > N ? end = N : end = (pos.col + 4);
        for (int i = pos.row, j = begin; j + 4 <= end; ++j){
            if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag && _ChessBoard[i][j + 1] == flag &&
                _ChessBoard[i][j + 2] == flag && _ChessBoard[i][j + 3] == flag &&
                _ChessBoard[i][j + 4] == flag)
                return 1;
        (pos.row - 4) > 0 ? begin = (pos.row - 4) : begin = 1;
        (pos.row + 4) > N ? end = N : end = (pos.row + 4);
        for (int j = pos.col, i = begin ; i + 4 <= end; ++i){
            if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag && _ChessBoard[i + 1][j] == flag &&
                _ChessBoard[i + 2][j] == flag && _ChessBoard[i + 3][j] == flag &&
                _ChessBoard[i + 4][j] == flag)
                return 1;
        int len = 0;    //相对长度
        int start = 0;
        int finish = 0;
        pos.row > pos.col ? len = pos.col - 1 : len = pos.row - 1;
        if (len > 4){
            len = 4;
        begin = pos.row - len;       //横坐标起始位置
        start = pos.col - len;       //纵坐标起始位置

        pos.row > pos.col ? len = N - pos.row : len = N - pos.col;
        if (len > 4){
            len = 4;
        end = pos.row + len;         //横坐标结束位置
        finish = pos.col + len;      //纵坐标结束位置

        for (int i = begin, j = start; (i + 4 <= end) && (j + 4 <= finish); ++i, ++j){
            if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag && _ChessBoard[i + 1][j + 1] == flag &&
                _ChessBoard[i + 2][j + 2] == flag && _ChessBoard[i + 3][j + 3] == flag &&
                _ChessBoard[i + 4][j + 4] == flag)
                return 1;
        (pos.row - 1) > (N - pos.col) ? len = N - pos.col : len = pos.row - 1;
        if (len > 4){
            len = 4;
        begin = pos.row - len;       //横坐标起始位置
        start = pos.col + len;       //纵坐标起始位置

        (N - pos.row) > (pos.col - 1) ? len = pos.col - 1 : len = N - pos.row;
        if (len > 4){
            len = 4;
        end = pos.row + len;         //横坐标结束位置
        finish = pos.col - len;      //纵坐标结束位置 
        for (int i = begin, j = start; (i + 4 <= end) && (j - 4 >= finish); ++i, --j){
            if (_ChessBoard[i][j] == flag && _ChessBoard[i + 1][j - 1] == flag &&
                _ChessBoard[i + 2][j - 2] == flag && _ChessBoard[i + 3][j - 3] == flag &&
                _ChessBoard[i + 4][j - 4] == flag)
                return 1;
        for (int x = 1; x < N + 1; ++x){
            for (int y = 1; y < N + 1; ++y){
                if (_ChessBoard[x][y] == ChessBoard){
                    return 0;       //未下棋
        return -1;      //和局

    bool GetVictory(Position& pos, int player, char flag){       //判断具体哪位玩家赢
        if (JudgeVictory(pos, flag) != 0){    //判断有无人获胜
            if (JudgeVictory(pos, flag) == 1){     //判断是否有人获胜,1表示获胜
                PrintChessBoard();     //打印棋盘
                if (player == 0){
                    cout << "电脑获胜!" << endl;
                    printf("恭喜玩家%d获胜!\n", player);
            return true;      //有人获胜
        return false;         //没人获胜

    char _ChessBoard[N + 1][N + 1];    //棋盘

int main(){
    GoBang g;
    return 0;



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